Interpretation of Dreams


Credits: Technical Director & Cinematographer

The Interpretation of Dreams VR Poster

In 1899, Freud published his magnum opus, The Interpretation of Dreams, which shocked the world and forever changed our understanding of dreams and the unconscious mind. This episodic narrative fiction series reimagines each of Freud’s original case studies — “The Ratman”, “Dora”, “Anna O”, “Irma’s Injection” — as emotionally haunting immersive VR dreamscapes. Each episode unfolds as a mystery to be solved. As Freud wrote, “Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.”

Those dreamscapes include dank, candle-lit basements, faceless men, a dollhouse inferno, and anxious shifts in perspective that put the viewer in the perspective of the dreamer. Much of the series is staged in delapidated spaces that are on the verge of falling apart. Long-abandoned structures, exposed brick walls and paint peeled up from surfaces are the backdrop framed by art director Bryce Cutler and lighting designer Brandon Taylor. With masterful aesthetics, the series immerses audiences in a canvas for troubled minds.

Federico Fellini famously called film “a dream we dream with our eyes open.” Filmmakers from Tarkovsky to Lynch to Nolan have used cinema to explore dreamscapes. How much more is now made possible by the full sensory immersion of virtual reality? The medium is uniquely well-suited to the representation of dreams, providing a vast new vocabulary for the exploration and visualization of the unconscious, from the construction of surreal landscapes; to the distortion of time, space, perception, and physical law.

Written & Directed by Graham Sack
Technical Direction & Cinematography by Sensorium
Original Compositions by Tim Fain